How does support work?

We hope that most issues are covers by the documentation. But of course, there may still be unanswered questions. In this case you can raise an issue at Github.

How long do I receive updates?

Updates for the open source packages are released on a regular basis.

You can get updates for the fronnt UI Pro packages as long as you have a valid license.

How can I purchase a license for my team?

The fronnt UI Pro components are not yet released. As soon as they are, you can purchase a license from the Licenses page.

Subscribe for updates to get notified as soon as the fronnt UI Pro components can be purchased.

Can I use fronnt UI for commercial purposes?

The fronnt UI design system, base components and icons are licensed under the MIT license and can be used in whatever project you want as long as include the copyright and license.

The Pro components can be used for commercial projects as well, but generally require a valid license.

Can I build or sell templates or themes using fronnt UI?

As long as you include the copyright and license you can use the fronnt UI base components and icons in templates and themes.

It's not allowed to re-distribute the fronnt UI Pro components though.

Can I get an invoice?

Sure! As soon as you purchase a Pro license, you can generate an invoice through the customer portal.

How can I access fronn UI Pro packages?

The open source packages can be installed via the public NPM registry.

The Pro packages can be installed via our private NPM registry.

See the documentation for installation details.

Is there are React/Svelte/Angular version?

Not yet... Version for React and Svelte are planned but not there's no release date yet.

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