Our aim is not only to provide perfectly built components, which play nicely out of the box, but also make the components easy to customize, so that they match the corporate design and branding of your project.

What makes fronnt UI special

fronnt UI does not have any dependencies. Not only there are no JS dependencies, there are also no dependencies for the styles. This means, there are no CSS utility frameworks like tailwindcss or CSS-in-JS solutions which make the renderend HTML unreadable. We strictly follow the Block Element Modifier (BEM) methodology and focus on readable, predicatable and stable plain CSS classes.

Learn why this is better.

This approach provides high cohesion and low coupling at the same time, which doesn’t only help customizing components via CSS (read more below), but also allows to exchange the rendering engine without breaking the styles.

CSS classes have a low specifity, but still explicitly describe the structure of the components.

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